Our vision is to be an internationally leading center for digital innovation, acknowledged for our academic excellence, educational engagement and societal impact.



SCDI researchers are well positioned to contribute with solving the global challenges. In this video, SCDI faculty members Olgerta Tona and Juho Lindman describe how their projects are linked to the strive for increased sustainability.


In the spotlight

Olgerta Tona

Olgerta was born and grew up in Korça, a nice city situated in the southeast of Albania. She lived for several years in Tirana, where she graduated from the University of Tirana with a Bachelor in Business Informatics. She is now living and working in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Olgerta Tona recently received the Börje Langefors award for best doctoral dissertation in Information Systems


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LAtest posts

  • The Constraints of Digital Transformation
    SCDI PhD Candidate Jwan Khisro successfully defended her thesis on how public sector digital transformation is constrained by governance, funding models and digital infrastructure. The whole thesis is available here.
  • Educating the Swedish Parliament
    SCDI has been part of an initiative to educate the Swedish members of parliament in digital transformation. The politicians are invited to three occasions where SCDI faculty along with leading practitioners such as CDOs and international ministers of digitalization will create the content. The program will focus on the fundamentals of…
  • Inequality in digital transformation
    In a recent study by the Digital Government Research Consortium, we identify structural differences in prerequisites for digital transformation in municipalities. Administrations in the municipalities display varying capabilities which impact the citizens perceptions of the quality of digital services negatively. Current setups of governance and control enforce said differences and magnify…

The Swedish Center for Digital Innovation is a joint-university initiative between the University of Gothenburg, Stockholm School of Economics and Umeå University.

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