The Swedish Center for Digital Innovation (SCDI) hosts the Wallenberg Digital Innovation Program. The program is designed to increase the impact of high-level research in digital innovation and transformation, enhancing the digital capabilities of primarily Swedish organizations.

During 2021, the program has afforded SCDI to instigate a Post-doc initiative. The initiative involves nine new post-docs evenly distributed between the different nodes of SCDI. The objective is to increase the integrative capabilities of SCDI and enhance synergies between the excellent research conducted in each node.

The program is executed in close collaboration with Rise, Research Institutes of Sweden, through activities related to outreach and increased scholarly excellence.

As a first initiative, we created SCDI Wallenberg seminar series. The seminars invites international leaders within research to share recent findings to both industry and academia. In parallel with this, we are also spearheading a series of conferences aimed at closing the gap between research and practice, as well as taking further steps in optimizing research utilization through digital innovation.

research themes in focus

  • Digital transformation: Digital transformation processes and practices in incumbent firms, disruptive transformation of ecosystems and industries, platform-based ecosystems, etc.
  • Digital government: digitalization of the public sector, open government, transformation of public services, digital healthcare, etc.
  • Business consequences of AI and advanced analytics: implications of AI for strategy, decision-making and organizing, algorithmic work, etc.


As part of the Wallenberg Digital Innovation Program, SCDI organizes a series of thought-leader seminars. In this series, we invite speakers who are at the very fore-front of academic excellence to share their ideas and engage in a fruitful discussion with the audience.

  • Gig Economy Platforms
    As part of the Wallenberg Digital Innovation Program Seminar series we are visited by Professor Koen Frenken from the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University. Professor Franken will share research insights from a study of institutional logics and the gig economy. Abstract: We witness rising tensions between online gig-economy platforms, incumbent…
  • The dangers of experts in AI
    SCDI is proud to host a seminar featuring Professor Natalia Levina, Stern School of Business, New York University. The seminar will focus on Professor Levina’s latest paper in MIS Quarterly, ”Is AI Ground Truth Really True? The Dangers of Training and Evaluating AI Tools Based on Experts’ Know-What”. The seminar will…
  • Humanistic outcomes of Tech
    On September 17th, we are joined by Professor Saonee Sarker for a seminar on her work titled ”Addressing Humanistic Outcomes of Technology through a Multi-Method Examination of Work-life Balance in IT work”. Saonee Sarker is currently Professor of Informatics at Lund University, Sweden. Until recently, she served as the Senior Associate…

The Swedish Center for Digital Innovation is a joint-university initiative between the University of Gothenburg, Stockholm School of Economics and Umeå University.

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